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Aviation 3 Performance

Peitis 24.04.23 Mmrrtt [mmrrtt]

Tüüp: Mõistatusaare
Maakond / linn: Pärnu linn
Raskusaste: peidukoht 1.5, maastik 2.0
Suurus: mikro
Aarde asukohainfo nägemiseks logi sisse!


NB! Ära mine lennujaama territooriumile, koordinaadi saad Certitudest! Pliiats kaasa!

On olnud keeruline, kuid huvitav aeg ja mul on hea meel jagada mõningaid teadmisi teiega, mu kallid geopeituritest sõbrad. Ärge pahandage, et ülesanded kipuvad olema inglise keeles, kuid lennunduse keel on inglise keel ja nii on teil lihtsam leida vastuseid. Eestikeelsed tõlked on päris kummalised teinekord. Niisiis:

To calculate your airplane performance on trip, you have to consider many facts. We will watch only one aspect. As we know, when going up in throposphere, air pressure drops, air is going to be less dense and more colder. There is just not enough pressure to pass air in to your lungs in height. To become over it, airplanes are pressurized on flight over 10 000 feet. Just for you, that you could be able to get oxygene to your lungs.

So … what percentage of OXYGEN is there at 15 000 feet, if we all know, that on earth surface it is 21%? (not effective oxygene %, this is different thing and related with ISA calculations. )

Write answere (only numbers, no %) to checker and you will find the cache.
Do not forget write down letter from Certitude and number of question.

logo?wp=GCA7Q62 You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.

Vihje: pole

Lingid: pole

Aarde sildid: soovitan (1), lahe_teostus (1)(täpsemalt) kood: GCA7Q62

Logiteadete statistika:   78 (98,7%)  1   1   0   0   0   0  Kokku: 80