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Aviation 7 Aerodynamics

Peitis 24.04.23 Mmrrtt [mmrrtt]

Tüüp: Mõistatusaare
Maakond / linn: Pärnu linn
Raskusaste: peidukoht 2.0, maastik 2.0
Suurus: mikro
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On olnud keeruline, kuid huvitav aeg ja mul on hea meel jagada mõningaid teadmisi teiega, mu kallid geopeituritest sõbrad. Ärge pahandage, et ülesanded kipuvad olema inglise keeles, kuid lennunduse keel on inglise keel ja nii on teil lihtsam leida vastuseid. Eestikeelsed tõlked on päris kummalised teinekord. Niisiis:

In airplane you can measure your altitude using air pressure. For that your airplane measures static air pressure of the moment and compares it with static pressure that was moment ago. If you go more up or down, atmospheric static pressure changes and so altimeter can tell you, what is your altitude. But there is one standardization. Term – ISA, meaning International Standard Atmosphere, it is standardized parameters, from where you can make your calulations and everyone knows, that calculations are made with values from there. So…

What is ISA pressure in hPa? Write answere (in format xxxx) to checker and you will find the cache.

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